11)character 文字

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テキストにいろいろな設定をします。Illustrator10ならtext frameをtext art itemに変えて記述してください。

set pt to 2.83464
set Q to 0.25 * pt
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	tell document 1
		set mySelObjList to selection--選択されたオブジェクトを調べる
		repeat with mySelObj in mySelObjList--選択分繰り返す
			if class of mySelObj is text frame then--もしtext frameなら
				tell mySelObj
					get properties of character 1
					set contents to "あいうえお" & return & "かきくけこ"
					set text font of characters 1 thru 5 to ¬
						text font "Osaka" of application "Adobe Illustrator"
					set size of characters 1 thru 5 to 13 * Q
					set baseline shift of character 1 of paragraph 1 to 2
					set horizontal scale of character 1 of paragraph 1 to 200
					set vertical scale of character 2 of paragraph 1 to 200
					set kerning of character 2 of paragraph 1 to -300
					set fill color of character 3 of paragraph 2 to ¬
						{cyan:0, magenta:50, yellow:100, black:0}
					set stroke weight of character 3 of paragraph 2 to 0.2
					set stroke color of character 3 of paragraph 2 to ¬
						{cyan:0, magenta:100, yellow:100, black:0}
					set width to 10 * pt
				end tell
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell


トラックバックURL: http://www.adg7.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/67

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