
| コメント(0) | トラックバック(0)


set myPer to 100
set NURI to 3 --塗り足し(0にすると塗り足しなし)
set ANS to display dialog "ドキュメントの何ページ目から配置しますか?" ¬
		default answer "1"
set inddPage to text returned of ANS
set inddPage to inddPage as integer
set pdfPage to 1
set inputFile to choose file with prompt "pdfファイルを選択"
set Fkind to kind of (info for inputFile)
if Fkind is "PDF 書類" or Fkind is "Adobe PDF document" then
	tell application "Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional"
		open inputFile
		set AllPage to count page of document 1
		close document 1
	end tell
	repeat AllPage times --AllPage分繰り返す。
		set myError to my setEPS(pdfPage, inddPage, inputFile, NURI, myPer)
		set pdfPage to pdfPage + 1
		set inddPage to inddPage + 1
		if myError is "ERROR" then
			exit repeat
		end if
	end repeat
end if

on setEPS(pdfPage, inddPage, inputFile, NURI, myPer)
	--ここより下でend tryより上を試す(エラーが出ても止まらないようにするため)
		--"Adobe InDesign CS2_J"を呼ぶ
		tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2_J"
			set page number of PDF place preferences to pdfPage
			set PDF crop of PDF place preferences to crop media
			tell active document
				if not (exists of page inddPage) then
					make page at end
				end if
				set myB to bounds of page inddPage
				set Y to (item 1 of myB) - NURI
				set X to (item 2 of myB) - NURI
				set H to (item 3 of myB) - (item 1 of myB) + NURI * 2
				set W to (item 4 of myB) - (item 2 of myB) + NURI * 2
				tell page (inddPage)
					--(画像ボックスのプロパティは領域{Y, X, Y + H, X + W}、
					set myRect to make rectangle at beginning with properties¬
					 {geometric bounds:{Y, X, Y + H, X + W}, stroke weight:0, ¬
					fill color:"None", stroke color:"None"}
					set PDFobj to place inputFile on myRect
					tell PDFobj
						set properties to {vertical scale:myPer, horizontal scale:myPer}
					end tell
					fit myRect given center content
				end tell
			end tell
		end tell
		return ""
	on error
		return "ERROR"
	end try
end setEPS


トラックバックURL: http://www.adg7.com/mt/mt-tb.cgi/99

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