

| コメント(0) | トラックバック(0)


tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2_J"
	tell document 1
		get properties of hyperlink 1
		set theDest to make hyperlink page destination with properties ¬
		{destination page:page 3, view setting:fit window} 
		set myhyperlink to make hyperlink text source with properties ¬
			{source text:text from character 1 to character -2 of paragraph 2 of ¬
			text frame 1 of page 1}
		make hyperlink with properties {border color:black, highlight:invert, ¬
			border style:solid, hidden:false, destination:theDest, ¬
			source:myhyperlink, name:"456789", visible:false, width:thin}
	end tell
end tell


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tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2_J"
	tell document 1
		set theDest to make hyperlink page destination with properties ¬
			{destination page:page 5, view setting:fit window}
		set oyaBookMark to make bookmark with properties ¬
			{destination:theDest, name:"567"}
		set theDest to make hyperlink page destination with properties ¬
			{destination page:page 5, view setting:fit window}
		make bookmark at end of oyaBookMark with properties ¬
			{destination:theDest, name:"5"}
		set theDest to make hyperlink page destination with properties ¬
			{destination page:page 6, view setting:fit window}
		make bookmark at end of oyaBookMark with properties ¬
			{destination:theDest, name:"6"}
		set theDest to make hyperlink page destination with properties ¬
			{destination page:page 7, view setting:fit window}
		make bookmark at end of oyaBookMark with properties ¬
			{destination:theDest, name:"7"}
	end tell
end tell


set ANS to display dialog "値段を入力してください。" default answer "1000"
set plusNum to text returned of ANS
set plusNum to my replaceAll(plusNum, "円", "")
set plusNum to my replaceAll(plusNum, ",", "")
set plusNum to plusNum as integer

set OriginalDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2_J"
	tell active document
		tell selection
			set cellCount to count cells
			repeat with N from 1 to cellCount
				set myData to contents of cell N
				set myData to my replaceAll(myData, "円", "")
				set myData to my replaceAll(myData, ",", "")
				set myData to myData as integer
				set myData to myData + plusNum
				set myData to myData as string
				if length of myData = 4 then
					set myData to (character 1 of myData & "," & ¬
						characters 2 thru 4 of myData & "円") as string
				else if length of myData = 5 then
					set myData to (characters 1 thru 2 of myData & "," & ¬
						characters 3 thru 5 of myData & "円") as string
				else if length of myData = 6 then
					set myData to (characters 1 thru 3 of myData & "," & ¬
						characters 4 thru 6 of myData & "円") as string
				end if
				set contents of cell N to myData
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
end tell
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to OriginalDelimiters

on replaceAll(motoStr, findStr, repStr)
	set OriginalDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {findStr}
	set motoStr to text items of motoStr
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {repStr}
	set motoStr to motoStr as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to OriginalDelimiters
	return motoStr
end replaceAll


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